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Installation Qualification [IQ]

installation qualification: The performance of tests to ensure that the installations (such as machines, measuring devices, utilities and manufacturing areas) used in a manufacturing process are appropriately selected and correctly installed.

  • Utilities and equipment should be correctly installed, in an appropriate location.

  • There should be documented evidence of the installation. This should be in accordance with the IQ protocol, which contains all the relevant details.

  • IQ should include identification and installation verification of relevant components identified (e.g. services, controls and gauges).

  • Identified measuring, control and indicating devices, should be calibrated on site, unless otherwise appropriately justified. The calibration should be traceable to national or international standards. Traceable certificates should be available.

  • Deviations and non-conformances, including those from URS, DQ and acceptance criteria specified and observed during installation, should be recorded, investigated and corrected or justified.

  • The outcome of the IQ should be recorded in the conclusion of the report, before OQ is started.

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